Thursday, December 5, 2013

November Goes


I finished two projects in the past week!


I finished removing the wallpaper gunk from a section of the kitchen and painted the wall orange. Orange! I love it. It is so warm and inviting. Inspired, C installed GFCI outlets to complete that section's transformation. One wall down, one to go. At least in the kitchen! I still have the dining room and Guinea's room covered in old wallpaper, and the bathroom. Bit by bit, it will all get done. Right now I just can't stop admiring this orange wall!


My second project was mixing essential oils with coconut oil for easy-use salves. I heated coconut oil just to melting (76 degrees), poured it into cups, and added the essential oils. This picture was taken before the coconut oil hardened again. I'm new to essential oils, but in the past two months I have seen amazing things! Lavender oil stopped my nerve pain from shingles when even IBprofen wouldn't touch it. Peppermint and eucalyptus have kept asthma and coughs at bay for both E and I. I'm so thankful for a natural alternative, and can't wait to try our new salves!

And November is gone! Tonight my children will set out their shoes with hay and carrots for St. Nicholas and his white horse. In the morning, I'm sure they will find the hay scattered (the horse is usually a bit messy), nuts, a clementine, chocolate coins, and a scroll listing some of this year's achievements. Last year a wonderful friend sent us a sweet book about Santa and St. Nicholas- I'm off to open the Christmas box now so we can read it tonight! I am loving this gentle slide into the Christmas season, as opposed to the sudden leap of other years. Blessings.


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