Sunday, September 7, 2014

Watercolor and Fiber


It is too easy to let the days slide by, so this year I have a plan. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are our school days. Monday modeling, Wednesday watercolor, and Friday fiber. Boom. Tuesdays are projects with friends, Thursdays are field trips. A little rhythm for our week.

It helps when the kids have similar subjects to paint. This time E had a cow, so I assigned e the water buffalo from her story. We watched YouTube cows grazing and water buffaloes walking. We drew the line of their backs in the air, then on scrap paper. By the time we for to watercolor paper, they were laughing. Mr. Cow and Mrs. Buffalo were quite a sight! We opted for dry paper, as we wanted distinct forms. It was an exercise in patience, letting each portion dry so nothing bled.

The cow turned out to be a guinea pig cow....but E saw the humor and it was all good. :)

e's sky scarf is BEAUTIFUL! Soft, silky, and just downright gorgeous. The lace weight yarn is still tricky and seed stitch is more fiddley than she expected, requiring me to knit at least half her rows for her, but I think as time goes on she will be picking up more and more of it herself.

And E is actually enjoying crochet! Not enough to do more than asked, but he does it willingly, which is huge. Next to teach him to crochet in the round. He wants to make a hat.



  1. wonderful work your kids are doing. :) and it sounds like a great rhythm.

  2. Great idea! My 6 year old really wants to learn to knit. But, she isn't patient enough to listen to me instruct her yet. Instead, we are still doing finger knitting, which is good enough for right now :-) I love a little rhythm to the week though, perfect!

  3. Thank you! There is indeed enough that can be done with finger knitting to last for years! Have you made finger knitting into flowers? That is my favorite. We got the idea from sparkle stories. :)

  4. Wonderful, wonderful work! The pictures are so warm and light-filled and the knitting just stunning! Lena x
