Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Pemmican and the Pompous Prince



Today many of my friends posted first-day-of-school pictures. Smiling kids, kids eating breakfast, kids getting onto busses. Mine weren't smiling or getting on busses. They were grumpy and eating as if I hadn't fed them in weeks. One was telling me he didn't want to go to the store, that he WAS SO old enough to stay home alone all morning. Somehow I managed to get them away from the table long enough to get in the car.

See, last night I broke our garbage disposal. Broke. As in a hole in the side. I think it was as old as me...but still. C worked late trying to fit pipes and drains and tubes into place to eliminate the space the disposal once took up, but it was a mess. It is a very good thing we live minutes from Home Depot! But in the end it didn't fit together, so the kids and I had a list of parts to search for at Lowe's, and E was not happy about it.


In the end, the children both had a blast, looking at all the plumbing pipes and curves and even a squish-able J bend. They especially loved the vinyl tubing, so we came home with a bit extra. We even made it to the library after and arrived home still in good spirits!


We made pemmican for E's main lesson. At first we pounded the jerky and dried fruit with a meat pounder. E was shocked that even with the metal pointy parts, the jerky and fruit remained unchanged. How did the Native Americans do it? Not with a food processor, which is what we eventually did. :)


e and I started her main lesson with a story of the pompous prince about to be sent on a journey with the wise woman. The above pictures are hers, not copied from mine, as I had left main lesson books at home by accident (oops) when we rushed off to gym.


e moved up to developmental level in gymnastics. She totally rocked it!


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