e started her main lesson book! She was so excited. It's purple, and big, and finally she's allowed to copy words into it!
Today was one of those roller coaster days. The nine-year change has really thrown us for a loop! But we managed a bike ride and a game of Battleship. Plus a boy from around the corner came over.... Three times. e was THRILLED, E was a bit non-plused. I was glad to see our neighborhood actually has kids.
We sang some rounds, which the kids asked me to post on Facebook so that Nana could see. Fish and chips and vinegar... And then after I posted one I saw that E was not only upside down, but also patting his bottom for most of the song. e was insulted that he had ruined a video she was in and E thought it was hilarious. Sigh...
I am told there is frost in Fairbanks, I see pictures of friends wearing fleece, and then I go outside to breathe the thick, hot, humid air and feel the warmth of the sun here in Virginia. Is it crazy that I am craving cooler air? I look to the trees hoping to see yellow, but everything is still green and flowery. I must be crazy to want hats and mittens! But I do. So I started knitting a pumpkin hat. Take that, never-ending-summer. :)
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